
CEH Institutes Rotating Expanded Leadership Team

CEH instituted an expanded leadership team this fall, welcoming three additional staff members to the leadership team for the final quarter of 2022. 

The new leadership team members are: 

Kaya Allan Sugerman, Director, Illegal Toxic Threats


Andrea Braswell, PMP, Program Manager, Petrochemicals, Plastics & Climate


Caitlin Moher, Senior Coordinator, Illegal Toxic Threats


Members of the expanded leadership team have opportunities to participate in efficient decision making, represent their teams, listen to organizational opportunities and challenges, and help to resolve them.

“The leadership team is a space where you can be in thought partnership with your fellow coworkers–sharing ideas, learning concepts, and expanding your leadership skills all the while contributing to a new era of leadership for CEH,” said Regina Jackson, Interim CEO at CEH.

“The development of this leadership model is unique. At CEH we believe that you can be a leader no matter where you sit in the organizational structure, and the launching of this expanded leadership team is one of the ways we are living out our equity values,” said Andrea Braswell, Program Manager for CEH’s Petrochemicals, Plastics & Climate program.

In early 2023, the three expanded leadership team members will term off and three new CEH staff members will join the team. 

Learn more about CEH staff.