Look for the Climate Neutral Certified Label

Look for the Climate Neutral Certified Label

This Earth Day, conscientious consumers will certainly notice a plethora of different certification labels related to the environmental, social, and ethical practices of the brands producing everything you buy. In 2019, we launched Climate Neutral Certified–a new...
Is Climate Change Making Your Food Less Safe To Eat?

Is Climate Change Making Your Food Less Safe To Eat?

Do you have big cooking plans this Thanksgiving? Us too! We love cooking when the holiday season rolls around, but did you ever think that climate change is something you would think while prepping your food? Well, the raw ingredients in your kitchen contain harmful...
Easy Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Easy Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint at Home

There’s no denying it, the planet is warming. Countries around the world saw record-breaking temperatures the past two months. July 2019 was the was the hottest month in recorded history and June 2019 following closely behind in second place. On top of the...

Achoo !

Have you felt like you’ve been sneezing more than usual? Climate change may be to blame. A changing climate means a longer allergy season, whether it be mold/pollen from increased rain or dust/soot from increased drought. While we can’t control the weather ☔️, there...