Mar 21, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
It’s good to know eating organic actually works. It’s good for you and the environment! To help you at the grocery store, our favorite trick for prioritizing what organic produce to buy is LEAFY (kale, spinach, lettuce), BERRY (all the berries), SKINS...
Mar 5, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
These tampons have good reviews and are made without fragrances, dyes, chlorine, and pesticides. Most of these brands have tampons in several flow strengths and with and without applicators. There’s also pads and liners too if you’re feeling like you want...
Feb 27, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Besides being better for the planet, they are actually better for your health. Canned food is pretty much always lined with BPA, which can leach into your food. And well, plastic is plastic! Learn more about how to stock up your pantry in a healthier way for all those...
Jan 16, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
) 4) For some good old fashioned social contact, even if it’s just with a barista 5) To take a mental break, which is actually shown to increase productivity And when you have to work through lunch, just make sure to wash your hands to get rid of flame...
Oct 3, 2018Because Health
First off, yay! Secondly, if you are getting cozy, that definitely means you can talk to your BAE about getting a little more serious about your health. No matter what serious means to you (it is cuffing season after all)- we have a couple talking tips to bring...
Jun 29, 2018Because Health
Because it’s everywhere and is affecting our oceans and our health. Learn more about his trip and how plastic pollution in the oceans can impact health in the @natgeo #planetorplastic series and take the #plasticpledge … #becausehealth #plasticfree...
Jun 21, 2018Because Health
Why does this matter? Check out the link our our bio where we talk more about how climate change is affecting the quality of our food and how wasitng food isn’t helping. So next time you have a bunch of veggies hanging out in your fridge, try a #herorecipe that...
Jun 14, 2018Because Health
Same here! While we can’t make the pile of clothes magically fold itself, we can help it be a little healthier when it comes out of the washer. All of these laundry detergents have been through our pretty rigorous vetting system to assure they only contain safe...