Need a quick, like REAL quick, hot dinner?

Here are our tricks for turning a box carton of soup into a hearty full meal, so you’re never tempted again by canned soups (with their sad BPA linings). Loaded baked potato, Thai chicken ginger carrot, or mushroom cheeseburger soup sound good? Check out our...

4 facts about takeout containers that might motivate you to pack your own plastic-free lunch or dine-in 1) In a world of imperfect options, paper and plastic containers marked compostable are a safer choice.

Foil containers are also relatively safer. 2) The next best options are plastic containers that are recyclable and marked with the number 2 or the number 5. These plastics are safer and are usually recyclable in most places. 3) Styrofoam is bad. Try to stay away. It...