Apr 24, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Along with checking square footage and appliances, make sure you see what green space is around ! Living by trees, parks, and hiking trails makes it super easy to get outside and be active. Plus, studies have also shown that living near green space can help improve...
Sep 20, 2018Because Health
They are great, but what if you already have a reusable plastic bottle? Do you have to toss it? We’ve got some good news! You don’t have to throw it away or relegate it to sitting at the back of the cabinet, you just have to be smart about when and how you...
May 7, 2018Denise Patel, MPH
It’s finally spring and we are loving all the warm weather – sandal season FTW! What we love less is all the pollen bringing out the best of allergy season. But, it might not just be allergies that are making it hard to breath this time of year. Climate...
Apr 22, 2018Because Health
Happy Earth Day! No matter how or where you celebrate today, choose to protect the places we all live, work, and play.