Oct 16, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
But some of these products are actually contributing to #pinkwashing . Pink washing occurs when a branded pink product claims proceeds will go to breast cancer research… but then it’s hard to show where the donation money actually goes or the product is...
Oct 15, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Studies have shown that people who immigrated to industrialized countries, like the US, from their homeland developed the same rates of breast cancer observed in their new home . What’s causing this increased risk? Read our latest article for more info
Oct 11, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
♀️ : @littlekalegirl
Oct 10, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Don’t stress, we’ve got some alternative protein ideas! Buckwheat, soy, and quinoa are all great sources of complete protein. They’re super versatile to cook with too ! One cup of these grains is between 6-30 grams of protein! Wow!
Oct 9, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Check out our latest article! We discuss seven food items that help your body protect itself from toxic chemicals found in the environment.
Oct 8, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Frozen produce is usually cheaper than fresh produce and is awesome in smoothies. What’s your favorite smoothie recipe? Let us know!
Oct 7, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Buying organic produce can get expensive though, which is why we created this helpful graphic ! When looking for organic produce, focus on Leafy Berry Skins.
Oct 3, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Try adding some essential oils to a wool dryer ball! We like essential oils because they’re a natural way to add a little fragrance. Wool dryer balls reduce the amount of time it takes to dry your clothes, and make the perfect canvas for your own essential oil blend....
Oct 2, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
But many dryer sheets and fabric softeners rely on tons of chemicals to keep your clothes fresh. That’s why we rounded up safer options that will keep your clothes looking good without the potentially dangerous chemicals. a) Ecover Fabric Softener c) @methodhome...