The F.D.A. Must Reject Juul’s Application to Continue Selling its Products in the U.S.
The New York Times recently published an article on how Juul is fighting to keep their e-cigarettes on the U.S. market. The article reports: “Juul has long denied that it knowingly sold its products to teenagers, and it has been pledging publicly for the last few years to do all it can to keep them away from minors.”

Photo of a plastic Juul Pod found during a beach cleanup at Jenness Beach in New Hampshire. Photo by Brian Yurasits.
I have been in the room with Juul executives during legal mediations, and this company must be held accountable. In response to our past litigation, Juul refused to agree to language that dozens of companies agreed on not to market to teens. Our follow up litigation in 2019 finally forced them to not promote their products in media whose audience is 15% or more under the age of 21. That settlement was the first court-enforceable agreement restricting Juul’s ability to market to teens.
Juul does not make a smoking cessation device. Their business model depends on creating life-long addicts to toxic chemicals starting in middle school.
As the parent of a 12 and 14-year-old, I hope the public stands with me to demand the F.D.A. reject Juul’s application to continue selling its products in the U.S. No one should profit off of the health of our children.
Michael Green is the CEO of Center for Environmental Health (CEH). CEH is a 25 year old organization leading the nationwide effort to protect people from toxic chemicals. Learn how you can take action.