Jan 9, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Leave your (empty! ) reusable plastic water bottle in your car as a backup bottle. If you are running errands and get thirsty, filling up the reusable plastic bottle is still way better than buying a bottled water at a corner store. Click on the link in bio to read...
Jan 8, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
All of our favorite glass and stainless steel water bottles, in case you need to pick up a new one for the Week 1 #BHchallenge. Getting a water bottle that you really like, might motivate you to drink more water! Crush those hydration goals!
Jan 7, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
We’re starting off simple. Bring and use your reusable glass or stainless steel water bottle. Let’s ditch the plastic and make sure that your water is as healthy as can be for you and the planet. Plastic water bottles can leach unwanted chemicals into the water inside...
Jan 4, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
♀️Sigh… does it ever end? Check out our laundry detergent recommendations when you run out and need to get more! #repost @letterlylove . After a day of 9 loads of laundry and the dreaded night time folding…. I can relate to this mama...
Jan 3, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Well, turns out there might be more to being a healthy weight than just exercising and eating right. Head over to our link in bio to find out more about obesogens, or chemicals that promote fat development, and how to avoid them.
Jan 2, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Win win! And, we want you to join us on the journey! Each week for the next 4 weeks, we will share one challenge for an easy way to create a healthier and eco-friendly lifestyle. Follow along, take part, and share your pics by tagging @because_health and #BHchallenge....
Jan 1, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
Hope you’re having a great day. Onwards to 2019!
Dec 26, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
It’s a science-backed way to maintain a healthy weight, develop healthier eyesight in kids, improve mood and self-esteem, and so many other awesome things. We’re taking a break this week to get in as much outside time as possible and hope you are able to...
Dec 24, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Raid your kitchen for some #zerowaste gift wrapping that is super festive and plastic-free #Repost @sequoia.vennari ・・・ Doing a little #zerowaste present wrapping over here. Did you know that during the holidays Americans create 25% more trash? It’s easy to eliminate...