Dec 2, 2018Karen Wang, PhD and Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Trying to get pregnant should be an exciting time of planning for the next stage of your life, not one full of doctors visits, constant testing, and worrying about body temperatures. But, if you and your partner are struggling with infertility, you are not alone....
Nov 14, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
As the holidays start to sneak up on us, we have been pulling together some of our favorite homemade gifts. All of which happen to be plastic-free, zero waste, edible (because food!). Bonus, they are all delicious and help cut down on both the plastic you and your...
Oct 24, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
Whether it’s a Friday night party or Monday morning class, perfumes might be your routine go to if you’re looking to feel extra fancy, or if you’re running late and haven’t had a chance to freshen up. With a million and one choices to choose...
Oct 24, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
How many of you wear contact lenses? *hand raise* They are magical, they help you see clearly, and you don’t have to deal with the myriad of difficulties of wearing glasses (see steamy glasses and the need for the invention of nerdwax). But, one thing’s...
Sep 27, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Little sucks more than being caught in the rain. So, why are we suggesting you hold off on getting a new raincoat? The answer may surprise you. It has to do with what makes the coat itself waterproof. Often for coats to be impervious to water the outer layer is...
Aug 10, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
You’ve seen them around, maybe you’ve even had a hit of your friend’s vape pen. All the cool kids are doing it – maybe. And, there’s no actual smoke so they have to be safe, right? Weeeellll, maybe safe isn’t the right word. For...
Aug 3, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
You know when you have a girl’s night and open that extra bottle of wine you had stashed away for a rainy day and someone’s had just a liiiitttlllee too much to drink. Or maybe your kid’s favorite Sunday morning routine is to bump into you causing...
Jul 27, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Hey festival goers! Are you planning all your outfits for the next big festival. Is glitter on your list to help you get that perfect sparkly ‘gram image? Well, while you are ordering all your festival supplies, we suggest adding some biodegradable glitter to...
Jul 20, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Are you one of those people who has a drawer full of reusable bags that you have collected over the years but never remembers to actually take them with you when you go out. It happens! We’ve been there. And, in an effort to become better about becoming those...
Jul 16, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
With all the chill that marijuana is associated with, we hate to harsh your buzz, but you might not be getting exactly what you think when you pick up a joint or gummy. Because of the lack of regulation on marijuana, there is no governmental body watching what growers...