Your Health

A Selection of Better Nail Polishes

For those times you want to add a pop of color to your nails

Updated for 2020!

When most of us think of painting our nails, we picture the perfect color being shiny, glossy, even, and not fading or chipping for weeks. But, in order for nail polish to have all of those magical qualities, they must contain some very special chemicals. While we love a perfect mani-pedi, we know that some of the chemicals are not the best for our health. So, we rounded up a variety of safer nail polishes for you to check out.

You may be familiar with “three-free” polishes, which means the product doesn’t contain toluene, formaldehyde, or dibutyl phthalate (DBP). But we wanted even better polish, which is why these products are all between five- and ten-free! But just remember, that these options still contain some basic chemicals common to typical nail polish, so be thoughtful about how often you apply.

We’re also included some water based nail polishes. These are typically not designed to last for weeks, but rather a day or two. Water-based nail polishes are great if you are just looking to have polish for a special event or to use during great girls’ night in without caring exactly how long they’ll look pristine. Plus, some water-based polishes are kid friendly!

What are you waiting for? Pull out the cucumber water and bathrobe and get your salon on.


Better Nail Polishes

a) Aila b) Butter London c) Côte d) Ella and Mila e) Smith & Cult f) Tenoverten g) Zoya

Water-Based Nail Polishes

h) Acquarella i) Piggy Paint j) SOPHi

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