Feb 28, 2019Karen Wang, PhD
If your local grocery store has bulk bins, give it a shot. It’s better for you, better for the environment, and better for your bank account. There’s less packaging waste, which means less chemicals in the packaging, and it’s surprisingly affordable....
Jan 18, 2019Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
So, maybe you’ve heard of the zero waste movement that’s been gaining traction. Or, maybe you’ve seen the Instagrammers showing that they have only made a small jar of trash in the last four years (props to you Laura Singer!). Whether you’ve...
Nov 14, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
As the holidays start to sneak up on us, we have been pulling together some of our favorite homemade gifts. All of which happen to be plastic-free, zero waste, edible (because food!). Bonus, they are all delicious and help cut down on both the plastic you and your...