If you’re using tap

water to prepare bottles for your baby, make sure to only use cold water. Some pipe systems may have lead in them, and hot water makes it easier for lead to leach into the water . Using filtered water is a great option, but using cold tap water (that’s been running...

Have a budding artist in your family ‍ ?

DIY finger paint is a fun, non-toxic way to get creative! Take yogurt (we like nonfat greek yogurt) and divide it into small containers. Then mix some food coloring into each container. That’s all you need to have a fun, easy art project! Just make sure to save some...

Spending time outdoors this weekend?

Looking for ideas on how to pass the time? Below are two of our favorite outdoor games the whole family can play! ‍ ‍ ‍ Ladder bean bag toss- so simple and fun! Set up your ladder and label each step with points (10, 20, 30, etc). Take turns throwing a bean bag to see...

Looking for a fun way to beat the heat ☀️?

Why not make popsicles using a silicone/stainless steel tray?! We love a “choose your own adventure” recipe- pick a few flavors from as many categories as you like, blend together, and voila! a tasty treat. ⠀ What type of popsicle will you make? Let us...

Nothing is more frustrating than a picky eater.

Who knew kids had so many opinions about when they can eat a banana? Instead of making that mac and cheese from a blue box for the 200th meal in a row, we have some tips on how to get kids to eat healthier without the struggle. ⁣ 1. Sometimes simpler is better! A...
6 Non-Toxic Children’s Toothpaste Options

6 Non-Toxic Children’s Toothpaste Options

No matter how many teeth your kid has, they still should brush them all. These toothpaste options have all gotten great reviews online and are vetted to be safe for your kids. You could technically use them too, but if watermelon toothpaste just doesn’t sound...

Any parents out there?

We’ve got you covered. We know that dealing with your kiddos, managing life, and staying healthy means you have a very full plate. We have simple and realistic solutions to make healthy and non-toxic choices easy.