Today marks the start of the #BHchallenge.

We’re starting off simple. Bring and use your reusable glass or stainless steel water bottle. Let’s ditch the plastic and make sure that your water is as healthy as can be for you and the planet. Plastic water bottles can leach unwanted chemicals into the water inside...

Buying a new couch sometime soon?

Maybe you are moving to a new place and you’re investing in a new couch. Well, we’ve got some tips for you so you can get the best, healthiest, new couch you can. Big tip: look for one that is flame retardant free. You don’t need them and it’s...

Summer means trips around the world.

Chances are that will include a plane ride or two. We talked to a flight attendant union for some tips for making those airplane rides healthier and more enjoyable. Tip #1: wear long sleeve and pants – which of course means yoga pants and a sweatshirt. Yes! If...