6 Non-Toxic Children’s Toothpaste Options

6 Non-Toxic Children’s Toothpaste Options

No matter how many teeth your kid has, they still should brush them all. These toothpaste options have all gotten great reviews online and are vetted to be safe for your kids. You could technically use them too, but if watermelon toothpaste just doesn’t sound...

There was a new study published last week that found cleaning your house more often and washing your hands more frequently greatly reduces the amount of flame retardants that get into your body on a regular basis.

We know, hearing you should clean more often kind of sucks, but the benefits of fewer chemicals that cause problems like infertility and cancer in your body (and your kid’s body) might be worth it. Try wiping down surfaces with a wet microfiber cloth, it’s...

Is your living room floor covered with toys?

We get it, you want the toys to be educational and have some redeeming benefits for your kids, but sometimes you also just want them to be entertaining enough that you can drink your cup of coffee and check your email. No matter what the goal, you definitely want the...