Jul 31, 2018Karen Wang, PhD and Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
First of all, congratulations! You’re probably more in love than you’ve ever been and also more sleep deprived than you’ve ever been. Don’t worry. You got this. And we’re here to help you.You already know this, cause you’re a...
Jul 25, 2018Because Health
Before you freak out and start worrying about all the ways you and your family may be exposed, we have a couple of easy (and no cost) ways to dramatically limit your lead contact like taking of your shoes at the door, moping in addition to (or instead of) vacuuming,...
Jul 18, 2018Because Health
Before you reach for the hot water faucet, pause for just a second. We know you’re hungry and trying to get dinner on the table as fast as possible, but using the cold tap is the way to go. Why? Because hot water pulls toxins like lead out of your pipes. So,...
Jul 9, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
We’ve all been there before. It’s dinner time and you’re frantically scrambling around trying to figure out what to throw together for dinner. Thank god for pasta and a jar of sauce! But before you turn on the tap water to steaming hot to get the...
Jul 9, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Hey, guys, yeah all you sperm producing humans out there. Hate to break it to you, but when it comes to different chemicals in our world, your little swimmers might not be as safe as you think. While it’s true that you continually are creating new sperm, if you...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH and Karen Wang, PhD
Taking the plunge and buying a house? You obviously weren’t taken down by the avocado toast trend stealing all your hard earned moola. As you walk through potential homes we have 10 environmental health suggestions for things to look, smell, listen, and maybe...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Thinking about moving is a big deal, whether just across town or across the country. Maybe you are moving for a new job, or to be closer to family, or to follow your passion of skiing all year long, but no matter what, there are lots of things to consider. We’ve...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Lead is bad. I think it’s safe to say everyone is comfortable with that fact. Although it’s bad and we all know it, it’s still all over the world. And even if as a society we are using it in fewer products than ever, it still has ways of getting into...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
While we love a good jam sesh every now and again, over at Because Health when we talk heavy metal, we’re getting our periodic tables out, pulling on the lab coats, and talking about elements like arsenic, mercury, lead, and cadmium. Although these are naturally...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
Maybe you’ve heard of different organizations doing something called biomonitoring. Maybe you have been biomonitored but aren’t sure what it means. Or, maybe you have been worried about your own amount of contact with certain chemicals and Googled how to...