Sep 28, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
You know it’s coming, the dreaded flu season. Maybe you’ve tried investing in an antimicrobial mattress, shower curtain or probably the most common, soap, to try and prevent those germs from making you and your family sick. They just seem so promising,...
Sep 6, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
If you’re eating healthy, getting lots of sleep, but just can’t seem to hit a healthy weight, it might be something you’ve never thought about. Obesogens, a term coined in 2006 to refer to chemicals that cause us to gain and hold on to weight, and...
Sep 4, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
With fall approaching fast and back-to-school right around the corner, it means that long summer nights and making s’mores might be replaced with long study nights and a need for some brain-fueling, healthy snacks. Even though the convenience of goldfish and...
Aug 10, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
Remember when you last purchased a shower curtain and it smelled “plastic-y” after you removed the curtain from its packaging? Maybe it still smells plastic-y now in your bathroom every time it’s hot and steamy. Well, those curtains are actually...
Aug 3, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
You know when you have a girl’s night and open that extra bottle of wine you had stashed away for a rainy day and someone’s had just a liiiitttlllee too much to drink. Or maybe your kid’s favorite Sunday morning routine is to bump into you causing...
Jul 16, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
With all the chill that marijuana is associated with, we hate to harsh your buzz, but you might not be getting exactly what you think when you pick up a joint or gummy. Because of the lack of regulation on marijuana, there is no governmental body watching what growers...
Jul 9, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
We’ve all been there before. It’s dinner time and you’re frantically scrambling around trying to figure out what to throw together for dinner. Thank god for pasta and a jar of sauce! But before you turn on the tap water to steaming hot to get the...
Jul 9, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
You’ve seen those Instagram accounts, the ones with the cute little plants sitting perfectly near the window basking gently in the rays of sunshine streaming through the window. Maybe you’ve even secretly wished that your house looked like that (I know I...
Jul 3, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
You’ve finally returned home after seemingly endless train delays, and you’re pretty much ready to eat everything in your fridge. Cue: intense music for your raid through the kitchen (I like Mission Impossible). There’s nothing in the fridge except...
Jul 2, 2018Erica Chung, MPH
Nonstick pans may be great, trust me, I’m a long-time baker who craves those perfectly sculpted sides of cakes and a hassle-free removal of muffins from the tin, but increasing evidence from research is showing that maybe we should ditch the non-stick pans for a...