Snack time!

Instead of grabbing for a bag of chips or packing the beloved fruit roll up for the kiddos, take a look at some of our favorite make your own snack recipes. Salty or sweet, chewy or crunchy, we’ve got something for everyone. Not only are they healthier because...

Our friends @madesafehq totally get it!

And that’s why we do what we do at Because Health! We know you are busy and don’t want to spend what little free time you do have researching safe products for yourself and your family. So, we do the research for you and pull it all together into easy to read articles...

Did you know noise pollution is a real thing?

Well, it’s true! And, it can actually affect your health. So, next time you are complaining about your noisy neighbor, see if there is something you can do to make it better. Maybe that’s talking to them about it or maybe it’s finding a white noise...