Victory! EPA Says ‘Forever Chemicals’ Must Be Removed From Tap Water
For the first time, the federal government announced today a requirement for municipal water systems to remove six synthetic chemicals linked to cancer and other health problems that are present in the tap water of hundreds of millions of people across the U.S.

CEH Reaches Agreement with Leather Companies to Eliminate Toxic Metal Known as ‘Hex Chrome’
The Alameda Superior Court recently approved a precedent-setting, industry-wide settlement between the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) and 28 leather footwear and glove companies, including industry leaders like Deckers and Wolverine Worldwide.

A Community’s Fight Against Air Pollution from Aviation Fuel
Maria Reyes is a Cassell community member and activist in San Jose, California living near the Reid-Hillview Airport. The following are words she wrote about the on-going fight to close the Reid-Hillview Airport whose use of leaded aviation gas and lack of sound barriers have polluted the surrounding communities and decreased their quality of life for decades.

Kizzy Charles-Guzman on a Short and Suite Podcast
Kizzy Charles-Guzman, CEO at Center for Environmental Health sits down with Latoya Antonio and Robin Glasco to talk environmental justice, women’s health, and ways to be an empowered consumer.

We’re Hiring! Senior Director, Toxic Exposures and Pollution Prevention Program
Do you love making a difference in people’s lives? Then a career at CEH may be right for you. Read more below on our latest open position.

Clearing the Skies: A Call to End the Silent Threat of Leaded Aviation Fuel
When you think about sources of toxic lead exposure, you might recall the bans on leaded fuel for cars 27 years ago or leaded paint 18 years before that. Or perhaps you think of the 2014 lead-in-water poisoning crisis in Flint, Michigan. Current data show, however, that a stunningly high source of lead pollution in the United States comes from leaded aviation fuel.

What’s the Deal with Toxics in Furniture?
When you think about what you want your office furniture to do or to be, you most likely focus on how comfortable it is, how easy to clean it is, or how it will look in the space. Whether that piece of furniture at work can exacerbate your asthma or even potentially make you more susceptible to developing chronic conditions like cancer is probably not one of your top considerations.

Four Indigenous Activists Making Environmental Health History
November is Native American Heritage month! This and all months, we celebrate and honor the histories, cultures, and contributions of Native American heritage.

Toxic Déjà Vu: How CEH is eliminating a toxic chemical in personal care products…again
Nearly a decade ago, the Center for Environmental Health took legal action to eliminate the use of a cancer-causing chemical commonly found in soaps and shampoos. Last month, CEH rediscovered it in three products being sold at dollar stores.