Oct 2, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Did you see that thing about there being lead and arsenic in baby food pouches and packaged snacks? What about the one where there’s RoundUp (or glyphosate) on cereals and oatmeal? It takes long enough to get your kids strapped in their highchair, so you...
Aug 10, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Setting up your nursery is one of the most fun (and adorable!) parts of nesting. It means you have the opportunity to design a whole room of tiny baby items that will be full of baby’s firsts. While that’s exciting, we also know filling a nursery with...
Jul 31, 2018Karen Wang, PhD and Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH
First of all, congratulations! You’re probably more in love than you’ve ever been and also more sleep deprived than you’ve ever been. Don’t worry. You got this. And we’re here to help you.You already know this, cause you’re a...
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
We all want our homes to be a safe, healthy, and clean place for ourselves and the ones we love. Fortunately, there are some simple changes you can make that will make a big difference.
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
You probably never thought your living room would become a giant playroom filled with kids stuff, but somehow it is. Of course you want your kid’s toys to be educational, fun, and developmentally appropriate toys, but sometimes you just want them to be...
Apr 11, 2018Emma Zang-Schwartz, MPH and Karen Wang, PhD
Taking the plunge and buying a house? You obviously weren’t taken down by the avocado toast trend stealing all your hard earned moola. As you walk through potential homes we have 10 environmental health suggestions for things to look, smell, listen, and maybe...
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Are you trying to get your baby to take a bottle? We know the struggle. And, while we don’t want to make the process any more difficult, we have some tips for using healthier and safer baby bottles for your little one. First off, we know plastic baby bottle are...
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Sometimes taking a bath and pretending that you’re at an expensive day spa is just the therapy you need. Or maybe, if you’re like me, you take extra long bathroom breaks just to get a couple minutes of me-time without a toddler. Whatever it is, having a...
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
We know that balancing your baby over the sink or corralling your toddler onto the step stool to wash their hands is not an easy task. Sigh… is anything about parenting easy? Even if it’s noon and you haven’t managed to leave the house, it’s...
Apr 11, 2018Karen Wang, PhD
Am I the only one whose kitchen can quickly go from a calm, peaceful, nourishing, and dare I say, the most instagrammable part of my house, to a real life nightmare in about 20 minutes flat? And on the weekends, this transformation literally happens multiple times...