Tell Hershey's To Say "So Long" to the Pulegone in York Peppermint Patties

No one should have to worry about getting cancer from a York Peppermint Patty.

Seven Ways CEH Fought Our Way Through the First Trump Administration

Let’s look back at seven strategies we used during the first Trump administration that will inform our work to protect our air, water, soil, and food during this one.

Get BPA Out of Coconut Water

We found BPA in eleven brands of coconut water — even cans labeled BPA-free.

Can you add your name to our petition to get BPA out of coconut water?

GreenScreen Certification for Reusables

Groundbreaking Certification Eliminates Waste and Shifts the Food Service Market


CEH protects people from toxic chemicals by working with communities, consumers, workers, government, and the private sector to demand and support business practices that are safe for public health and the environment.

NEW: Ditching Disposables:
A Toolkit for Healthier Foodware in K-12 Schools

Get Greenscreen Certified™ For Food Service Ware

Latest from CEH


Listen: Tom Fox on Go Green Radio

Listen in to Go Green Radio, where Tom Tom Fox, Senior Legislative Counsel for CEH talks about the work we do everyday to remove toxics from products, food, and water.


Black History Month Spotlight: Centers of Wellness for Urban Women

Happy Black History Month! This month, we’ll be shining the spotlight on some of our favorite Black-led organizations that are working at the intersection of environmental health and justice. Centers of Wellness for Urban Women (CWUW) empowers women and their families...