Yuck! One Food I Will Never Eat

After I wrote about some of the highly questionable practices in the beef industry, a colleague asked me if my kids eat fast food burgers. No, they don’t, I answered; in fact, I don’t think either of them (then ages three and eight) have ever had a hamburger, period....

GMO Salmon and the Banality of Corruption at FDA

Earlier this week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a meeting on its preliminary assessment that genetically engineered (GMO) salmon are safe to eat. A couple weeks prior, the agency released eleven years’ worth of data on the GMO fish, giving consumer and...

Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS) Comes to CEH!

What’s going on behind the scenes at the Center for Environmental Health right now?  Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re teaming up with another great non-profit just as concerned with protecting the public from toxic chemicals as we are—Making Our Milk...