Right to Know Act- Dirty Chemicals in Our Cleaning Products
New Law Calls for Disclosure of All Hazardous Chemicals in Cleaning Products Cancer, asthma, and chemical burns should not have to be side effects of your job. That’s why when it comes to consumer and worker health, CEH has always been a champion for product safety....Another Trump Nominee with Close Ties to Industry
The day after the Consumer Product Safety Commission made a historic move to restrict on an entire class of toxic flame retardant chemicals, Trump nominated a Commissioner who threatens to roll back that landmark decision. Dana Baiocco has built her legal career on...
The bogus EPA we’ll get from Trump’s Latest Pick
Donald Trump has a knack for nominating officials who would undermine the very laws they’re supposed to uphold. His latest pick is Michael Dourson, a corporate conspirator who would lead EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. Dourson would be the...