Soup is Good Food

Ali’s blog on seasonal food got me thinking. It also got me hungry. So I pulled out my seasonal food wheel and wondered what would I recommend to people in this time of root vegetables. Well before you cast them aside as spring comes and with it abundance in fresh,...

Perdue’s Chicken Labels — For the Birds

In a February press release, poultry giant Perdue announced its latest breakthrough in corporate doublespeak: the company’s birds will now carry a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) “process verified” seal of approval, spending your hard-earned tax dollars to certify...

Why the Enviropig is Full of Shit

The best friend a polluting factory hog farm ever knew is back in the news. The so-called “Enviropig” is a genetically manipulated (GMO) hog that a Canadian team has been trying to develop for more than a decade, in response to the pork industry’s need to evade...

Son of Toxic Sludge: The Smell That Won’t Die

Sewage sludge is the mucky residue of municipal wastewater treatment operations, consisting largely of human feces. Repackaged as “biosolids,” sludge is sold or given away to farmers and homeowners for use as a nutrient-rich fertilizer. But when used to grow food, our...

The Tofu that Ate New York

Sensational, misleading headline of the day: “Becoming Vegetarian ‘Can Harm the Environment.’” Oddly, the content of this bogus article from the UK Daily Telegraph contradicts its own headline, quoting the author of the study it purports to address:  “Simply...