The Good and Bad News About BPA
The toxic plastics chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) has recently been in the news again. For CEH, BPA exemplifies many of the more problematic aspects of our country’s approach to harmful chemicals in everyday products, and a look at the history and science around BPA is...Amy Brenneman, Actress and Mom, Takes on BPA Labeling
Is BPA (bisphenol A) just one more acronym in the alphabet soup of chemical names that we all hear about from time to time? Well, yes it is. But it’s also one of the scarier parts of the alphabet soup. For starters, it’s one of the most widely used...CEH’s Toxic-Free Gift Guide 2012
Gift guide 2012 from Center for Environmental HealthGreenwash of the Month: “My Teacher Says Plastic Bags are A-OK!”
It’s like the plot for an action-filled Hollywood movie: the evil mastermind tries to gain power and control by indoctrinating the unsuspecting civilians. In this case, the villain is the American Chemistry Council, the chemical industry’s trade group. And the...The Plastic Bottle Dilemma
We’ve all done it before–you finish drinking that soda or eating that to-go lunch and you’re in a rush, with no recycling bin in sight–so what do you do with that plastic bottle or container? “Ah, how bad could it be to throw this one...Majestic Plastic? Or Waste That Won’t Die…
We’ve written about the Pacific Garbage Patch before. This huge mass (twice the size of Texas!) of discarded plastic shows that when it comes to throwing away plastic, there simply is no Away. All those forgotten plastic toys, cups, bottles, lighters and other...Discarded but not Degraded: What Will the Aliens Think When They Find Our Plastic Crap?
Once-thriving ecosystems around the globe are now choking to death on our discarded plastic relics. It’s a problem that’s on the minds of Generation Green members, so we’ve begun to share a few tips to help you reduce the amount of plastic that the global polymer...